Keeping an Eye on PPE

Keeping an Eye on PPE

A PPE check a day keeps the swarf away! Keeping your PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in good, working condition, as well as ensuring that it is being work correctly and in the right circumstances, can make all the difference when it comes to a workplace incident. This is just as poignant when it comes to potentially life changing injuries caused by incidents such as damage to the eyes. According to statistics published by the HSE, roughly 1% of all reportable non-fatal injuries in 2021 affected the eyes; that’s just over 500 total injuries to one, or both, eyes. And according to the Labour Force Survey, self-reported incidents are as high as over 4,400! Some of these injuries are entirely preventable with the correct use of PPE, inkeeping with regular checks…
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How to Prevent Slips and Trips in the Workplace in 2021

Nearly 20,000 slips and trips were reported to RIDDOR in the 2019-20 reporting year, with over eight times as many reported to the Labour Force Survey. That's 29% percent of all reported accidents! Even the best of us trips up occasionally, but there are steps that can be taken in order to mitigate the risk of the most common cause of non-fatal injury in the workplace in recent years. Identifying the Hazards When it comes to identifying what could be a trip or slip hazard in the workplace, there are a lot of things you should look out for: Are walkways and corridors clear and free of obstructions and equipment?Is the flooring type in the area likely to curl (mats) or become slippery (tiling)?Are all cables, wires and connectors tidy…
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Fire Safety at Work – Advice on False Alarm Calls

According to the Report of Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics as published by the Home Office, Fire and Rescue services responded to 220,432 false fire alarm calls in 2020, around 65% of which were determined to be down to faulty/accidental use of detection equipment. Whether it’s a piece of equipment running low on battery, or an emergency door being opened by mistake, or even toast being burned in the toaster, there are a number of internal and external environmental factors that can activate a fire alarm without the presence of a fire. So, what can be done about it? Call Point Testing Call points should be easily visible around the workplace, and when it comes to sounding the alarm for a fire, it is important to make sure that they…
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Suffering Back Pain at Work? Here’s What to Do

Around 1.2 million people report suffering with back-related aches and pains from work each year. Any number of factors can contribute to back problems, and the effects they cause can range from very mild, to incredibly serious, so it is important to catch these symptoms and their root cause early in order to prevent serious health issues further down the line. What can cause back pain? Many different types of work and activities lend themselves to back pain; from desk-based work, to warehouse management, to heavy goods driving. The list of possible factors for each specific type of work would be quite long, so we’ll keep it brief with a few common causes: Posture. Slouching, over-stretching across your workspace, or working at an angle can wreak havoc on your spine…
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Tips on How to Deal with Stress in the Workplace

According to statistics gathered through the Labour Force Survey (2019-2020), 828,000 workers reported feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed at work; a 347,000 increase from the previous reporting year.   When it comes to stress in the workplace, it isn’t an issue that should be swept under the carpet and ignored. As should be the case with all Health and Safety issues, let’s take a look at some of the root causes of workplace stress. Workloads and Intrinsic Factors Being overloaded with work contributes to 42% of all stress at work cases, according to the THOR-GP Network, in agreement with the LFS. Whether it is a sudden onset of new clients, or the high workload is something that comes naturally with the job, being overworked causes huge amounts of stress among…
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Tips for Managing Screen Time in 2021

Whether you are sitting comfortably at home, in the office, or on the go, chances are you’re reading this on a screen. Smartphones, laptops, tablets, desktop computers, televisions, even watches provide us with a steady stream of information for our day-to-day lives. In fact, the average UK citizen spends around 13 hours a day in front of a screen; it sounds like a lot, but factoring in work activities involving computers, scrolling through social media, and watching television, the hours begin to mount up. So, what’s the problem? It’s no surprise that we are becoming more and more enamoured with the supercomputers in our pockets, but too much screen time can lead to stress, sleep, and eye-related problems, such as; Persistent headachesBlurred visionNeck, back and shoulder painFatigueEye strainDouble visionDizziness While…
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Health and Safety Fines – Why They Are More Than Just Numbers

This year alone, the HSE have issued over £2.4 million in fines for breaches in Health and Safety, some of which caused fatal injuries to workers. Sadly, a large proportion of these incidents could have been avoided if the proper safety procedures had been implemented and reviewed accordingly. Employees shouldn’t have to be at risk of injury within the workplace to highlight safety concerns, and steps should be taken to ensure that potentially harmful scenarios are avoided. Safe Systems/Risk Assessments While filling out forms can seem dull, risk assessments and safe systems of work are in place for the very reason of ensuring the safety of workers in hazardous environments or utilising dangerous equipment. It is important to keep these documents up-to-date, and review them regularly to amend any changes,…
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How to Take the Strain out of Manual Handling Operations

In the 2019/2020 reporting year, 19% of all RIDDOR reported injuries were attributed to handling, lifting, or carrying operations. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but for context, that’s 12,431 accidents serious enough for a RIDDOR report! Let’s take a look at what can be done to mitigate the risk of injury in the workplace from manual handling operations. What counts as Manual Handling?   Manual handling operations can consist of anything such as picking up and carrying an object, pushing or pulling mobile loads, or holding or supporting a heavy load for a prolonged period of time. A few examples may include: Lifting an object onto a high platform, or into a vehicle (such as storage or transport boxes)Lowering something from a raised platform (such as working equipment or…
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4 Ways to Stay Safe while Machining in the Workplace

Machining can be a dangerous task; turning, milling, and drilling all have their own associated hazards and risks, which is why it is essential to know the equipment you are about to use is functioning as it should, and is ready to use safely. So, let’s take a look at a few ways to keep the machines, and yourself, in good working order while operating them. Regular Maintenance Regular maintenance of functional aspects of a machine can identify problems or damage long before it becomes a threat. Let’s take a pillar drill; are the drill bits in good condition? Are all turning mechanisms moving freely without hindrance? Is the table steady and secure? These simple checks can help to identify a problem long before it can cause an incident, such…
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7 Reasons to Appoint a Health and Safety Representative at Work

Appointing a Health and Safety Representative in your business as laid out in the 1977 Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations (Outlined in the Health and Safety at Work Act) is an important part of keeping a lot of aspects of Health and Safety in the workplace in check. Whether it’s incident investigations, or following up a fellow employee’s complaint, they have a key role to play. Here are seven reasons why Health and Safety Representatives are crucial for your business: 1.   Safety Inspections A Health and Safety Representative should carry out a safety inspection at least once every three months in order to ensure that all policies are being adhered to, all potential hazards are noted and dealt with appropriately, and that the safety of the staff is not…
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