Why is Legionnaires’ Disease a risk when I re-open my business?
Why is Legionnaires' Disease a risk when I re-open my business? Legionella bacteria in ideal conditions will grow, if you put legionella on an agar plate and incubate it for 7 – 10 days with a temperature range of between 20˚C and 50˚C, a colony will form of millions of bacteria that you will be able to see. What is Legionnaires' disease? Legionnaires' disease is a type of pneumonia caused by bacteria. How do You usually get it? By breathing in mist from water that contains the bacteria. Where will I find it? Legionella are relatively resistant to standard water disinfection procedures and, can occur in portable water (safe to drink; drinkable). Legionella bacteria have been found in water distribution systems of: Hospitals, Hotels, Clubs, Public buildings, Homes, Factories. The Health & Safety Executive's HSG274 Legionnaires' Disease: states that storage tanks, water heaters, pipework…